The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. Traveling back to Indiana to visit friends and family as well as help my mother-in-law get her condo ready to sell has sure tired me out. We spent the early part of the week in Evansville. Cleaning the condo, meeting with realtors took up a lot of our time. We did however get a chance to hang with our fellow Illuminati ( teammates and eat, drink, and play board games.
Once the apartment was settled, I tested one of my first students ever to attain her Masters Rank in Feng Xiao Zhang Kung Fu. It has been a pleasure to see her grow in the martial arts. Her test was one of the toughest I have ever given. She passed with flying colors and I couldn't have been prouder. Congratulations Master Anna Moll on your achievement and years of dedication to the martial arts.
After traveling to Indianapolis and visiting with Jennifer's sister, we traveled to Batesville, Indiana and met fellow teammates the night before the Indianapolis Sprint. It was great reuniting with friends and teammates. We had a few brews, shared some food, and laughed most of the night as we readied our minds for the grueling race ahead. With the change to North Slopes, none of us really imagined what pain Spartan Race had planned for us.
Sadly after about a mile of hills and the hurdles (landing wrong), the pain in my heel was too much to bare. It was the first time I have ever quit a race due to a medical. After being pulled, they took me to the med tent and insisted that I go to the hospital. Of course, I didn't because my wife and child were out there running the race. So I spent the rest of the day hobbling around and encouraging folks and looking for my teammates, wife, and child. It was one of the proudest moments in my life to see my daughter at the finish line. She has come so far.
So post race, an Epic after party with multiple teams and good food. A mad dash home Sunday and back to work for me. Immediately, I went to the doctor to determine I have Achilles Tendinitis and beginning plantars fasciitis. So now it is physical therapy, orthotics, and changing up my training routine to accommodate. Good thing I don't quit!
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